Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution, and heals earth energies. Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas.
In the workplace, Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls, and emails.
Physical Malachite Healing Properties

Malachite is an effective remedy for female problems; especially regulating the menstrual cycle and cramps, and for easing labor. It has been called the Midwife Stone. It resonates with the female sexual organs and treats sexual discomfort, especially when caused by traumatic past experiences.
Malachite relieves cold sweats, malaria, trembling, and Parkinson’s disease, and helps with asthma, intestinal problems, and rheumatic pain. It is a diuretic stone and can help cure kidney and gallstones. It fights osteoarthritis, most notably in the spine, and strengthens memory. This is especially true for those with short-term memory loss who forget the names of people right after hearing them.
Known to lower blood pressure, Malachite also treats epilepsy, travel sickness, and vertigo.
Emotional Malachite Healing Properties

As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness, and teaching the responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people.
Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail, and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood. It also encourages healthy relationships based on love and not need.
Malachite Benefits for Spirituality

Malachite has the ability to serve different purposes for different people.
For those highly evolved and dedicated to humanitarian purposes, it assists in grounding higher energies onto the planet for those purposes. For those in a purification process, Malachite acts as a purger and a mirror to the subconscious, reflecting into the conscious mind that which needs to be cleansed.
This stone is dense and nontransparent, absorbing energy instead of emitting it. Place Malachite stones over areas that are diseased or painful, to draw out the negative energy and surface the causes for it. Because of the absorbing properties, it is important to cleanse the stones after such use.