Looking for Love in all the wrong places? Let the love you seek find you!
Lovingly Hand crafted for the Intention of attracting more LOVE, passion & bliss.
This SOULMATESPELLKit is your Attract Love & Soulmate Crystal Kit - Reiki Charged Within it you will find:
-Love Spells(7 Spells) - Our team came to a consensus on the top Seven types of love spells outlined here through rigorous examination of spells most commonly used all over the world.
-Tumbled Gem Stones - Crystals emit a frequency that impacts our energetic bodies.
1x Mini Rose Quartz Rose Shaped - This crystal will be your best friend when it comes to all matters of the heart. The energy and vibration of the rose quartz works with the heart chakra. It also creates unconditional love. Not only will this crystal draw love to you, it will help you to discover and understand the true essence of love as well.
2x Unakite Crystal -Unakite is a power stone that can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Heart Chakra. It connects the base and heart chakras allowing you to move forward from your heart.
1x Rose Quartz Bracelet
1x Smoky Quartz Bracelet with Half Moon.
All items have been created with the highest intention as well as infused with Reiki Energy giving your Soulmate Kit a power Boost!